Intuitive Life Coach
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The truth is reality is something other than what we’ve been taught or told it is. The limiting thoughts so inherent to us have kept us small.
We are so much more than our hand-me-down beliefs, personal or professional roles, ambitions, life experiences, rigid religious convictions, physical appearance or opinions! More importantly - it seems the acquisition of new perceptions and perspectives necessary for change are directly linked to overcoming these obstacles. Additionally, one must have an awareness of the hypnotic trance of social media, materialism, and social conditioning. These are additional hurdles that may thwart growth and prevent us from thinking and experiencing outside the box.
Often it takes an existential crisis for us to be ‘broken open’ in order to surrender old patterns. Though painful, the “breaking” or emotional weight carried by divorce, addiction, depression, death of a loved one, personal crisis or illness, seems to act as a kind of catalyst or initiation that ignites the soul’s longing to define itself and question its purpose.
No matter how or what the origin - changes to the inner life always produce changes in the outer life and the beginning looks different for everyone. This journey of self-discovery is voluntary, and individual challenges for interpretation exist along the spiritual path. These challenges are unique to each soul and are meant to experientially teach and are designed to foster a belief system constructed of personally witnessed truths. Only in retrospect can we see the whole picture - why things happen as they do.
Presence is key! Wake up! Pay attention! The Universe speaks to you through everything!

We can't have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves.
- Thomas Aquinas

Wherever you are...
is the entry point.
(Translated by Linda Beth Hess and Shukdev Singh)
Certifications, Education and Gifts
Mind Body Spirit Practitioner (MBS)
Reiki Master Teacher
Credentials of Ministry
Intuitive Life Coach
Psychic Medium
Spiritual Teacher
Mission Statement
We are All here to be of Service to each other.
To hold Sacred Space for Learning, Healing, Receiving,and Giving...
And most importantly - to Raise the vibration of the Whole.
We are each other's Teacher.
We are each other's Keeper.
We choose to hold the Light so that others may Awaken and Begin the Journey of Remembering who they truly are - Divine in nature from the onset of Breath.
The Gathering of those here and the Intention of this site is Always Blessed, Always Safe, Divinely Protected and Guided simply because it exists to Serve the Highest Good of the Whole.
Registered Nurse RN BSN
AHNA American Holistic Nurses Association
IARP International Association of Reiki Practitioners
Afterlife Research and Education Institute (AREI)
Passionate About Inspiring Others