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Journey of self discovery2_edited_edited

           My very first synchronistic event occurred in the spring of 2009 although I did not know what I was experiencing at the time. I had not heard of such terms nor had I been exposed to any metaphysical experiences. I had begun a meditation practice as part of my recovery process. During the meditation - on rare occasion - I would see subtle soft swirls of white smoke against the blackness behind my closed eyes. There was such peace when the drifts appeared as if I had been caught in a timeless exhale. The experience left me with a comfortable longing that compelled me to maintain the connection with a consistent meditation practice.

           At the same time, I was attempting to start a personal business and came upon a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. On page 47 of the original unabridged edition, I came upon the word, ‘ether’. The word seemed to be in bold print and felt important. I remember thinking, “What an odd word to put in a business book.” I felt as if looking up the meaning of the word would lend some clarity to the text. So – of course, I googled it: 

Ether, any of a class of organic compounds characterized by an oxygen atom bonded to two alkyl or aryl groups. 

           "An organic compound? No this was not it. Next."
Ether: The Nothing That Connects Everything - Joe Milutis – 

          "Yes this was it! At least it sounded metaphysical'. And then I opened the link…

          I was transfixed, speechless and bewildered. And today if I had to wrap words around that emotion, I would say that it would be reflective of the fear one may have standing before a great chasm. A spiritual halt took my breath. I am certain the experience was never processed in its entirety. Ineffable comes to mind. I've since learned that the reasoning mind cannot fly that high.

          For me – I believe communication from God, Source, Universal Intelligence or whatever you choose to call it begins this way. A gentle shaking to wake – one that is mixed with wonder, magic and meaning. I am not unique. These kinds of events have been experienced and documented throughout the millennia. 

          In preparing this website, I of course - googled synchronicity. I had not honestly incorporated any study of such a phenomena. I felt my experiences to be sacred and comprised of a type of spiritual language that was specific for me, and one that certainly developed over time. In my search, I came upon the most amazing video by Deepak Chopra called Meaningful Coincidences and Synchronicity []. Honestly, I thought why hadn’t I discovered this years ago when I started my journey? I suppose if I had known that this kind of connection occurs and is common to those who are present to the moment, I potentially would have minimized its value and sadly perhaps my connection. Instead, the experiences left me in a state of awe and left me feeling significant on a very profound level. I don’t think up until that time I had ever really felt important. I’m certain now that the hypnotic influence of the drift rhythm served great purpose: first a comfort and second - that I was not alone. 


           Over the years, I attempted to list and then summarize many of my personal synchronistic events and more importantly - how they came to fruition. I believe one can easily learn through my narrative especially since it is coupled and captured with visual experiences and photography. Please see tab (bottom of page) Insights to Synchs.

           Another major synchronistic event occurred in the fall of 2011 on the University of Arizona campus. Strolling through the campus grounds, my eldest daughter, Alexa reached for a book abandoned and positioned on the top of a faded white pillar that housed the iron fencing that bordered the walkway. She handed the book to me and said, “I think this belongs to you!” The book was titled The Journey of Self Discovery  by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I was overcome with emotion coupled with an energetic head nod of spiritual recognition and more importantly validation that I was indeed on a journey, a very personal journey.



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Sunny Dawn Johnson


     My most spiritually defining moments have been announced through synchronistic events. My experience with Sunny Dawn Johnston was one of them. 

     Following a thread of coincidence: a PBS program featuring Wayne Dyer, the Phoenix Times article about Wayne Dyer’s appearance at Celebrate Your Life discovered at a Jamba Juice, and an invitation to attend Celebrate your Life by a friend prompted me to attend the event which exposed me to some of the most prolific spiritual teachers of our time. It was here that I met Sunny Dawn Johnston.

     She was teaching a class about angels. At the conclusion of the class she called several attendees up to receive free gifts. She announced and pointed to me, “You in the black sweat shirt.” I was shocked at her decision to call me to the stage. I graciously received her mediation CD as a gift. She spoke to me briefly stating that I was a “clairsentient and needed to learn how to protect my energy.” I nodded and returned to my seat not knowing what a clairsentient was.

     The Celebrate Your Life event was like nothing I had ever attended or been exposed to before – essentially a weekend retreat filled with 2 hour workshops selected from a menu of varied spiritual speakers. I was captivated by what I had heard and more importantly by the people I connected with.

     In the following weeks I remember saying to myself, “Why aren’t there teachers like this in the valley?” I was hungry for more!

     Then, I received notice from the Phoenix public library called Agave. They informed me that several books had not been returned by my daughters and the associated fines certainly exceeded the values of the unreturned books.

I remember feeling very angry that I had to try and find the missing books and then make a personal appearance at the library in an attempt to bargain for lowered fines.

     I entered the library and there she was – Sunny Dawn Johnson! She was offering a free lecture in the forum of the library on angels. I greeted her, and we had a powerful exchange. She told me about a Mind Body Spirit program offered at her healing center center called Sunlight Alliance and invited me to join. She said that a prerequisite was to read five books before class, but if I could download two and listen to them, I could come. 

     In the two previous nights before the classes would begin, I had two extraordinary dreams. The dreams were very detailed. One included a bright and blinding light that I had seen in dreams since early childhood. It was always positioned in the night sky, and it always ignited fear. This time it seemed to be moving slowly toward me on a road in the distance. It carried the energy of a powerful earth moving machine. As it came closer I scampered up a small hill toward the house and hid in the darkness and brush that bordered my home.     

     The light was coming closer and my prayer was that it would continue on the road below and pass. Then, I heard the braking. light. The light seemed to rotate on hidden hind wheels. Its direction now certain as it advanced up the dirt incline toward the house and me. I was terrified! I held my breath and did not move.

     As the light approached the driveway of the home, it simply revved down and rotated again to align with a return to the main street. I remember it took a period of time for me to muster the courage to explore the dirt drive. Feeling safe now that the light was in the distance and the sound barely audible, I decided to make my way toward the pivot point that released me from my state of panic.  I remember pondering, "Certainly, there had to be a purpose for ascending up the private drive." I stepped out of the darkness and into the luminescence of a streetlight. There in the soft circle of light, I could see the road. The familiar dirt road surface which existed previously had been shoveled aside leaving one paved with the glisten of gold.

     My other dream consisted of me returning to work in a white wrinkled uniform. I remember feeling ashamed at how I looked - unkempt.  People didn't seem to notice. They were happy to see me and asked where I had been.  An essence of feeling lost was coupled with my shame, but the welcome I received seemed to bridge and lighten my concerns. 

     These dreams seemed to be a type of calling card and prompted me to attend her class Friday, January 8, 2010  through Tuesday, January 12, 2010 which was trans-formative and life changing.



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Vector Designed By アヒルスタジオ from <a href=""></a>

Sunny Dawn Johnston

The Crown

     Most recently, I was coming down the parking garage stairs on my way to work. I was strangely pulled to an object on the stairs. As I focused in, I noticed a leaf in the shape of a crown. It felt very important, and I have learned to pay attention to such things now.


      I wondered, “Will I break a tooth, will I meet a Mr. King or Mrs. Queen?” Nothing happened at work, and the experience was forgotten about until I return home. I turned on my TV. There on the screen was a woman giving a lecture and drawing a kind of map on a large pad positioned on an easel. She had just completed a drawing of a crown! I knew this was it! I immediately connected with the author and made a book purchase. The book is amazing, and I have gifted it many times to others.


Brenda Marie Johnson

Phoenix, AZ 85083

​​Ph: 623-302-0063


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