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Personal Insights to Synchronicity 


1. Prayer.       

2. Change your perspective Get a new view.
3. See God in the Details. Pay Attention.
4. There is nothing outside the plan of God.
3. When you are vibrationally aligned with Source, you will receive graduating insight to your purpose and your journey.
4. The value is in the journey.
5. Your body is an instrument that you play; that is played.
6. Detach from the outcome.
7. Listen above the words.
8. There is purpose to synchronistic events. Ups the ante that spiritual content is present.
9. Every moment has value.
10. Practice. Ask. Saturate yourself with possibility.
11. There are no accidents.
12. Divine timing exists.
13. Create a bridge.
14. Be aware of derailing events wanting, ambition, angst, jealousy, competition, worthiness, entitlement, physical components like HALT. 
15. You are a student.
16. Be aware of Time.

17. Bold Print Phenomena.

18. Practice Discernment!

19. Caution regarding Linear Thinking (crippled by the reasoning mind).

20. Emotionally charged events can alter discernment.

21. Interest peaked to go in specific direction? Go!

20. Still resonating??? Message is not complete. 

21. Be aware of Attention Shifts.

22. Answered prayers may come through people, places and things.

23. Believe in the unbelievaable.

24. Soul companions are important!

25. The Universe/Source/God loves to provide evidence so ASK!

26. Delays have value! Stop lights, late arrival to events, wrong turns. 

27. It's more about the people you meet at an event rather than the event!


Brenda Marie Johnson

Phoenix, AZ 85083

​​Ph: 623-302-0063


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